Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
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Senin, 30 Januari 2012
Dewi Perssik Setengah Bugil Di Film Yang Diperankan
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012
Download IDM v6.08 Final Build 9 Full Version (Working Patch)
Jika link di atas tidak bekerja, silahkan klik link di bawah ini:
Kamis, 26 Januari 2012
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Saksikan ovj di trans TV
Kata Kata Gombal
Berikut ini saya berikan beberapa kata-kata gombal yang sering kali digunakan di OVJ :
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak Neng tukang rujak ya??”
- Cew : “Kok tau sih Bang?”
- Cow : “Soalnya senyum Neng udah mengulek-ulek hati Abang..!”
- Cow : “Eh Neng, ajarin Abang berenang ya”
- Cew : “Emang kenapa Bang?
- Cow : “Soalnya Abang tenggelam di hati Eneng nih!”
- Cow : “Neng, tabung gas Neng di rumah bocor ya??”
- Cew : “Mang nape Bang?”
- Cow : “Soalnya Neng udah ngeledakin hati Abang”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak Neng pasti pemain bola kan?”
- Cew : “Ih, kok Abang tau sih Bang?”
- Cow : “Soalnya Eneng telah mencetak gol di hati Abang”
- Cow : “Neng, punya lem nggak?”
- Cew : “Ada Bang, emang buat apaan?!?”
- Cow : “Buat nge-lem hati kita biar menyatu Neng..”
- Cow : “Eh, jangan berdiri dekat-dekat bunga Neng!!”
- Cew : “Lah, emang nape Bang?!”
- Cow : “Nggak apa2 sih, takutnya ntar bunganya layu. Kalah cantik sama Eneng..?”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak kamu tukang servis AC ya?”
- Cew : “Kok bisa tau sih Bang??”
- Cow : “Soalnya Eneng udah menyejukkan hatiku..”
- Cow : “Kamu pasti suka gaya Briptu Norman ya ?”
- Cew : “Kok tau..?”
- Cow : “Soalnya kamu udah men chaiyya-chaiyya kan hatiku”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak Eneng suka main internet ya?”
- Cew : “Iya, mang kenapa Bang?”
- Cow : “Soalnya Neng udah men-download hatiku..”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak Neng tukang gali kuburan ya?”
- Cew : “Kok gitu Bang?!”
- Cow : “Soalnya Eneng udah mengubur kesedihan di hati Abang..”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak Neng pasti asli Jakarta kan?”
- Cew : “ih kok Abang bisa tau sih?!”
- Cow : “Soalnya Eneng telah memonaskan hatiku..”
- Cow : “Dek, Bapak kamu kamu pilot ya?”
- Cew : “Iya Bang..”
- Cow : “Soalnya kamu udah nerbangin hatiku”
- Cow : “Di rumah kamu pasti punya banyak kaset Rhoma Irama ya?!?”
- Cew : “Kok Abang tau sih??”
- Cow : “Soalnya kamu telah mengadu dombakan hatiku..”
- Cow : “Neng, punya nomor rekening nggak?”
- Cew : “Ada Bang, emang buat apaan??”
- Cow : “Buat transfer hatiku ke hatimu”
- Cow : “1 + 1 berapa Neng?”
- Cew : “2 Bang..”
- Cow : “2 + 2 =..”
- Cew : “Ya 4 Abang..”
- Cow : “Kalo cinta+cinta, sama dengan apa Neng..??”
- Cew : “Hah, berapa ya..?!?”
- Cow : “Cinta+cinta itu, sama dengan aku dan kamu..”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapakmu orang Garut ya?”
- Cew : “Emang kenape Bang?”
- Cow : “Karena kamu telah mendodolkan hatiku..”
- Cow : “Dik, Ibunya orang Padang ya?!?”
- Cew : “Kok Abang tau Bang?”
- Cow : “Soalnya senyummu telah me-rendang-kan hatiku”
- Cow : “Boleh pinjam kalkulatornya nggak?”
- Cew : “Buat ape Bang?!?”
- Cow : “Untuk menghitung jumlah cintaku kepadamu..”
- Cow : “Dik, tolong cariin tukang ojek donk”
- Cew : “Lah, emang buat apa Bang..?”
- Cow : “Buat nganterin hati aku ke hatimu”
- Cow : “Bapak kamu kerja di kelurahan ya?”
- Cew : “Kok tau Bang..?”
- Cow : “Soalnya, kamu telah meng-KTP-kan hatiku”
- Cow : “Ibu kamu guru TK ya?”
- Cew : “Ih kok Abang tau sih?!?”
- Cow : “Soalnya hidung kamu kaya’ perosotan TK”
- Cow : “Kalo IPS apa artinya?”
- Cew : “Ilmu Pengetahuan sosial Bang”
- Cow : “Kalo IPA?”
- Cew : “Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam”
- Cow : “Kalo KPK?
- Cew : “Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi”
- Cow : “Salah.., tapi artinya, Kamu Punya Ku..”
- Cow : “Dik, 2+2 = berapa?”
- Cew : “4 Bang!”
- Cow : “Salah…, jawaban 2+2 sama dengan 2″
- Cew : “Kok 2 sih Bang?”
- Cow : “Kan yang 2 lagi ada di hati kamu..”
- Cow : “Eh, Bapaknya Polisi ya?”
- Cew : “Kok tau Bang?”
- Cow : “Iya, soalnya kamu telah menembak hatiku”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapaknya kerja di Rumah Sakit ya?”
- Cew : “Lho kok tau sih?”
- Cow : “Karena kamu telah meng-ngingu ngingu-kan hatiku”
- Cow : “Neng, Bapak kamu kerjanya jadi HRD ya?”
- Cew : “Mang nape Bang?”
- Cow : “Soalnya kalo lihat Neng bawaan aku mau ngelamar mulu nih..”
- Cow : “Neng, Abang mau ke belakang dulu ya. Btw, Neng punya kunci gak?”
- Cew : “Kagak ada Bang, emang buat apa?”
- Cow : “Buat ngebuka pintu hati Neng..”
- Cow : “Kalo rajin pangkal apa?
- Cew : “Pangkal pandai”
- Cow : “Kalo hemat pangkal apa?”
- Cew : “Kaya”
- Cow : “Malas pangkal?”
- Cew : “Bodoh..”
- Cow : “Trus kalo kamu pangkal??”
- Cew : “Hah..?!?! pangkal apaan ya?!?”
- Cow :”Kamu itu.. pangkal-an hatiku..”
- Cow : “28 Oktober hari apa ayo?”
- Cew : “Hari Sumpah Pemuda”
- Cow : “Kalo 27 Oktobernya hari apa?”
- Cew : “Hari apaan tuh Bang..??”
- Cow : “Hari Sumpah Hatiku..”
Rabu, 25 Januari 2012
Kata Kata Mutiara
Oh ya, saya punya beberapa contoh kata-kata mutiara, Silahkan dibaca dibawah ini :
- Sesuatu yg sangat sulit dimengerti bagaimana seseorang bisa menceritakanmu begitu banyak dusta, tapi tak pernah merasa bersalah.
- Menyakitkan tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal pd dia yg tak ingin kamu lepaskan, tp lebih sakit tuk bertahan jika dia memang ingin pergi.
- Jangan hiraukan dia yg membencimu. Terkadang dia membencimu hanya karena kamu tak memberi perhatian seperti yg dia inginkan.
- Cinta sejati adalah ketika dia yg kamu cinta tak lg mempedulikanmu, tp kamu masih menunggunya dgn setia.
VIDEO: Keindahan Aurora Akibat Badai Matahari
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
Apa sih WAZZUB itu? SCAM atau bukan?
Masukkan email & data-data Anda dengan benar. Karena memasukkan alamat email yang salah, Anda tidak akan mendapat kiriman link verifikasi. Klik tombol "Join" dan ... hanya Itu saja. Kemudian, Anda akan segera menerima email untuk verifikasi account. Klik link verifikasi yang ada di dalam email tersebut.
Copa Del Rey 2012, Quarterfinals: First Legs, El Clasico Steals The Spotlight
All eyes are on El Clasico as far as the Copa Del Rey goes, but there are three other ties, all featuring La Liga sides. Espanyol plays Tuesday, Bilbao plays Mallorca on Wednesday, and Valencia host Levante on Thursday.
Follow @sbnation on Twitter, and Like on Facebook.Jan 17, 2012 - El Clasico is the biggest non-final club football game in the world, regardless of what competition it's being played in. Copa Del Rey enthusiasts and fans of the other sides remaining in the competition should probably forgive the public for only focusing on that one game for that reason. But there are still three other games that are going on, and since none of them overlap with Real Madrid vs. Barcelona, you might as well watch them.
Espanyol, Mirandes, Athletic Bilbao and Mallorca are on one side of the bracket in the quarterfinal. This will make Marcelo Bielsa a favorite to reach the competition's final, and football is better when Marcelo Bielsa wins trophies, regardless of what team he is managing. The other side features the big two, along with Valencia and Levante. Yes, La Liga's top four sides are all playing each other and are in the same half of the bracket.
Here's the schedule for the first legs of the Copa Del Rey quarterfinals
Espanyol vs. Mirandes - Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. ET, 9:00 p.m. local
Athletic Bilbao vs. Mallorca - Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. ET, 8:00 p.m. local
Real Madrid vs. Barcelona - Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. ET, 10:00 p.m. local
Valencia vs. Levante - Thursday, 3:30 p.m. ET, 9:30 p.m. local
We'll have specific coverage of the biggest game of the quarterfinals in our Real Madrid vs. Barcelona, 2012 El Clasico StoryStream. For more on those two teams, check out Real Madrid blog Managing Madrid and FC Barcelona blog Barca Blaugranes.
Athletic Bilbao Vs. Mallorca, 2012 Copa Del Rey Quarterfinals
Real Madrid vs. Barcelona had the spotlight on Wednesday, but Athletic Bilbao and Mallorca were also in action on the other half of the Copa del Rey draw. Athletic, who play Real Madrid in La Liga over the weekend, did not appear to have one eye on that game as they played a full-strength side, holding nothing back in the first leg at San Mames. How they do over the weekend remains to be seen, but that decision was justified on Wednesday when Marcelo Bielsa's men defeated Mallorca 2-0.
Mallorca are now going to have a very difficult time getting to the semifinals after failing to get an away goal. Bilbao were at their finest, with Fernando Llorente scoring in the 35th minute and Iker Muniain adding an insurance goal in the 59th minute. Defender Ander Herrera and workhorse forward Gaizka Toquero came in as late substitutes to kill the game off and did so successfully, denying Mallorca a goal.
Real Madrid Vs. Barcelona, 2012 El Clasico
Despite all of his histronics, Sergio Busquets is one of the best midfielders in the world and he shows it when Fabio Coentrao dares to try to burst past him on the Barcelona right, diving into an inch-perfect slide tackle that takes the ball off the fullback, flattens him, and allows to keep it in play. Granted, if someone did that to him he'd have claimed it broke his leg, but it's still a brilliant piece of play regardless.
Real Madrid, who'd really quite like to win this match, are making a change, taking off Gonzalo Higuain and Lassana Diarra and replacing them with Mesut Ozil and Jose Callejon, which will allow them to move from this defensive 4-3-3 to a more familiar 4-2-3-1. Whether or not that's enough to break down this Barcelona defence or not is a good question, but there's plenty of firepower and speed in the hosts' front line at this point, and it's just a matter of getting them the ball. Within seconds of coming on, Callejon takes out Lionel Messi and earns himself a yellow card. Pepe treads on Messi's hand while he's on the ground and should be sent off, but isn't.
For more on the two teams, check out Real Madrid blog Managing Madrid and FC Barcelona blog Barca Blaugranes. We have live coverage of the match in our Real Madrid vs. Barcelona, 2012 El Clasico StoryStream.
Real Madrid Vs Barcelona, Clasico 2012
Greetings from the land of sand. This is the weekly segment here on Managing Madrid where I walk around my international campus and ask random people of different backgrounds and football loyalties questions about the footballing world and Real Madrid.
Real Madrid travel to Barcelona this Wednesday to face their rivals once again in the second leg of their Copa del Rey quarterfinals series. Los blancos will be looking to ride the momentum after their 4-1 victory over Athletic Bilbao in the league. It is yet to be seen as to whether Mourinho will be changing his strategy come Wednesday night but after accepting the blame for Real's disappointing 1-2 in the previous leg, he's probably busy rethinking something.
The Question this Week: Who will advance to the next round of the Copa del Rey?
When you answer, please keep in mind that this question isn't asking who will win, but rather, who will advance. For example, even if Real Madrid manages to pull off a 1-0 victory in Camp Nou, they still won't continue because the Catalans have two away goals.
You can read some answers from other footballing fans after the jump. Take a look and then either vote in the poll or leave a comment or both. Hala Madrid!
"Barca. Not cause they're better, just because I guess they have a higher chance so they will hopefully advance to the next round even though this cup is not that important."
-Nadim, Lebanon, Barcelona
"Barca for the fact that:
1. They are at home
2. Two goals advantage and they will play defensive
But then again it could be like the Super Cup where it went down to the last couple of minutes before the winner could be decided."
-Saker, Palestine, Barcelona
"Barca. [They're] going to play defensive and Messi will score a counter attack goal."
-Phillip, Lebanon, AC Milan
Poll Read More: Barcelona, Real Madrid"Without a doubt Barca will win."
-Fahad, Pakistan, Liverpool
Senin, 23 Januari 2012
Download IDM v6.08 Final Build 8 Plus Working Patch
Yang terbaru dari IDM v6.08 Final Build 8 ini adalah:
- Desain ulang pengenalan video streaming pada web player. Sudah ditambahkan juga dukungan untuk tipe baru pada situs video streaming.
- Ditambahkan dukungan perubahan pada Filesonic. (Namun sayang kini Filesonic menghentikan layanan File Sharingnya).
- Pembenahan pada beberapa bugs.
Jika link di atas tidak bekerja, silahkan klik link di bawah ini.
Minggu, 22 Januari 2012
Video: Badai Matahari Menghantam Bumi 22 Januari Kemarin
KASTAG Kaskuser Tulungagung Community
Mantap gan,, mudah2an ane segera bisa ikutan kopdar bareng kastag kaskuser tulungagung. oh ya, jika rekan2 ada yang pengen ikutan gabung bareng kaskuser tulungagung bisa kok. langsung saja gabung disini , Ini dulu aja gan, ane gak bisa cerita banyak tentang KASTAG (kaskuser tulungagung) karena ane masih belum pernah ikutan kopdar bareng mereka.
By The Way, Kastag juga lagi buat kaos official ni, kita rekan-rekan minat dan pengen pesan langsung saja ke tkp
Murmer gan, cumak 60 ribuan kok. Desain nya juga bagus, pokok nya gak nyesel deh kalau mau pesan. Ini ane kasih bocoran desain kaos nya.